Campaign 2018

Initiatives to Know


While much of the focus this election season is on the race for governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and other state and congressional races, California voters will also decide the fate of 11 propositions. CTA has made recommendations on four of these propositions, which have impacts on working people and children. Be a voter this election and stand up for our values!

CTA recommends the following votes:

Children’s Hospital Bond

Prop. 4 would authorize $1.5 billion in bonds for the Children’s Hospital Bond Act Fund. If approved, Prop. 4 provides $1 billion to non-profit hospitals that serve high numbers of children eligible for government programs and children with special health needs eligible for California Children’s Services. It also would allocate $270 million to five University of California hospitals and $150 million to public and private hospitals that serve children eligible for California Children’s Services.

Educating the whole child means ensuring students have access to comprehensive healthcare. CTA recommends a YES vote on Prop. 4.

Residential Property Tax Transfers

Prop. 5 purports to help senior homeowners who want to move, but in reality it’s just another big tax break for the wealthy. Prop. 5 would slash as much as $1 billion in local revenue from public schools, while draining another $1 billion from crucial local services like healthcare, parks, libraries and emergency response.

The California Association of Realtors is the only sponsor of Prop. 5, and has spent $7 million to convince voters that this tax break for the wealthy will help seniors in need. Don’t fall for their ruse. Vote NO on Prop. 5.

Election 2018: Special Report

Follow the links below to continue reading about the election and candidates in this feature.

In It to Win It CTA locals use their power for purpose
Running with Values CTA members enter political races
Meet the Candidates  Leaders aligned with our values
A Closer LookTony Thurmond vs. Marshall Tuck
In Their Own Words   Educators on why Tuck should not be SPI

Tom Torlakson  The outgoing schools chief on his legacy

YES on Proposition 10
Rent Control

INITIATIVES TO KNOWProp. 10 allows city and county governments to enact rent control laws that keep working families from being priced out of living in their communities. The proposition returns the power to regulate rental housing units back to local governments, so they can explore solutions to the housing affordability crisis that work for their communities.

Prop. 10 will not require any city or county to adopt or expand rent control but provides the option to do so – a choice they don’t currently have. In a state where one in three residents pay more than half their income in rent, Californians need relief from exorbitant rent costs and callous landlords. CTA recommends a YES vote on Prop. 10.

Ambulance Employees

Prop. 11 would allow private ambulance companies to require their workers to remain on call during their legally required breaks. The proposition would remove labor law protections for these important workers, and exempt the employers from liability for violations of existing law regarding work breaks.

Private ambulance companies are trying to stack the deck with Prop. 11 in the attempt to avoid millions of dollars in potential liability over their failure to comply with current law. This deceptive measure would impact thousands of AFSCME union members, putting them and all Californians at risk. Support ambulance workers who help people when they need it most, and vote NO on Prop. 11.

For more information go to .



  1. Pingback: Thurmond v. Tuck: A Closer Look – California Educator
  2. Pingback: Meet the Candidates – California Educator
  3. Pingback: Your Guide to Value-Based Voting – California Educator
  4. Pingback: CTA Members Are Running With Their Values – California Educator
  5. Pingback: In It to Win It – California Educator

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