California Educator

April 20: National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools

Gun control rally in Ft. Lauderdale (NEA April 20 Day of Action)

On April 20, CTA and NEA will participate in the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools. Our schools and communities must all send the same message to our elected leaders: We can no longer tolerate inaction.

Schools should be the safest place a child can be. Unfortunately, that seems far from  reality these days. From Columbine to Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook to Marshall County to Parkland, Florida, it’s abundantly clear we are not doing enough to protect our students and schools from gun violence.

This reality is devastating. Our hearts may be breaking, but our resolve must be strong. We must demand action now to save lives from gun violence. We must stand together to send a strong message to policy makers that #enoughisenough.

Contribute your ideas regarding the April 20 action, and register for the event,  . Spread the word by sharing the link and details of the day as widely as possible.

Other things you can do right now: